Thursday, January 2, 2014

Beginner's Guide to Graal Era

Beginner's Guide to Graal Era

If you have just started to play Graal Era, you pretty much have no chance of killing someone considering that you have just started playing and have the worst weapon in the game and your opponent has been playing longer than you.  So you're gonna have to get better weapons so you don't die all the time.  To buy a better  weapon, your gonna need money.  And to get money you're gonna need a job.


Jobs are the only ways to get money in the game.  There are many different kinds of jobs in the game.  In this  game, jobs include a pizza maker, miner, mailman, trash collector, flower picker, a taxi driver (although it requires a car and cars are very expensive),  and a crab/shell digger.  If you have just started playing, I suggest that you become a pizza maker or shell/crab digger.  Do not become a mailman or miner.  They are rip-offs.
<----- Pizza Maker

Shell/Crab Digger ----->


Once you've got enough money, it's time for you to get a weapon.  There are two types of weapons in this game.  A melee weapon, and a ranged weapon.  Right now, your melee is your knife and your ranged weapon is your handgun.  An Ak47 is a good starter weapon.  It does 7 damage meaning each bullet does 7 damage and each player has a maximum of 50 HP/Health.  It's also an automatic weapon so you can hold down the fire button and it will keep on shooting instead of you having to simultaneously mash the fire button.  It is pretty uncommon for a weapon to be automatic.  Usually the more expensive weapons will do more damage.  The Ak47 can be found at Crisz's Gun Shop or at Gun Point Shop.  There may be one more shop that I don't know about.


Walking can be really boring and slow if you want to get somewhere.  It's very tedious.  But you may see people on skateboards or in cars zooming past you (possibly accidentally ramming into you).  Skateboards and cars are both ways of faster transportation.  To get them, you'll have to buy them.  Cars are faster than skateboards but usually cost more.  There are many different kinds of cars in this game and the fancier, the more expensive.


There are some items in the game that only come out once a year on a certain holiday.  There are also some items that aren't made anymore.  That's why the trading tables were made.  The trading tables are a place were you can get rid of your junk or get really good items from somebody who has them.  In the trading tables you trade with one other person and you both offer items to trade with.  It costs 1 gralat to join/start a trading table and 99 gralats to accept a trade if both of you agree in this trade.

So if you've just started to play Graal Era, this has gotta give you a head start.

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